Spanish & American Sign Language– Your little one is naturally designed to soak up and learn languages through language development. Rising Star Academy understands that children need to be exposed to several forms of language in the early years, which is why our curriculum starts integrating Spanish and American Sign Language as early as 6 weeks of age.
Gymnastics& Dance – At Rising Star Academy we have an indoor gym that is accessible for use throughout the day. The children will be taught the basics of gymnastics in a safe, fun and loving environment. The children will be able experience flips, rolls, crab walking, cart wheels, and different gross motor exercise to work out the large and small muscle groups.
Music & Movement – Rising Star Academy understands that children are stimulated to learn through music and movement. Our music and movement program provides amazing weekly classes where the kids learn to read music, play and create instruments. The best part is that your child will be exposed to different cultural experiences through music!
STEAM - At Rising Star Academy, we have a room dedicated to our Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics Program, also known as STEAM. Students will learn about human body, solar systems, chemistry, conduct experiments, and much more! Our TEA approved STEAM program helps mold the children's young minds into critical thinkers as it increases science literacy and helps prepare them better for the real world challenges.
Gardening - Our 3 and 4 year old students are exposed to the concepts of gardening. During the Spring and Summer time, they will be able plant and care for the garden, offering them a true sense of ownership. Children will be able to see the process of how a plant transforms from a seedling to a vegetable, flower, and/or fruit! Our students find this whole experience very fulfilling and exciting!