Infants (6 weeks- 12 months)
At Rising Star Academy we pride ourselves in our Early Childhood Program. Our trained staff will provide your baby a loving, safe, and enriching environment. Our Infant Curriculum encourages creative expression and language development by the use of songs, interactive finger-play, sign-language, and baby yoga with our certified dance instructor. In addition, we focus on the fine motor skills of each individual child by analyzing their cognitive and physical development. Infants learn best through sensory and tactile activities in which they will be able to experience through our touch-and-feel aspect of our curriculum.
Rising Star Academy's staff encourages open communication with our families to ensure we meet your family's needs. Upon registration you will get a chance to speak with your child's teacher and even have the flexibility to set up any meetings to discuss your child's growth and development. You will also have the added bonus in receiving updates about your child's activities via our KidReports App and have the chance to view your child via our WatchMeGrow camera system.
Health and Safety
We know how important it is to keep your little one safe and healthy, which is why all of our teachers are certified in Infant/Child and Adult CPR, and First Aid. We also have a strict "Shoe-Free” environment and a disinfecting procedure in our Infant Classroom. We provide shoe covers for each person entering the classrooms and ask that all siblings remain outside the room. Every surface is sanitized throughout the day with safe cleaning products, toys undergo a 3 Step Disinfecting Dunking process, and each crib is assigned to one baby and is wiped down before and after use.
At Rising Star Academy, we have developed curriculum that focuses on Toddler’s Social and Emotional Development, by building their independence with processed art work and science experiments. Our trained Toddler Teachers will execute activities that will entice their curiosity with hands on activities to master their fine motor skills. Rest assure, whether your child is learning to walk, drink out of a cup, or discovering the blending of colors, it is important for this age group to feel supportive and have their ego stage met, thus the unconditional love and care we are excited to give.
Rising Star Academy's staff encourages open communication with our families to ensure we meet your family's needs. Upon registration you will get a chance to speak with your child's teacher and even have the flexibility to set up any meetings to discuss your child's growth and development. You will also have the added bonus in receiving updates about your child's activities via our Procare Connect App and have the chance to view your child via our WatchMeGrow camera system.
Health and Safety
We understand that staying as safe and healthy as possible is a must, especially in times like these, which is why our staff is cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day. Toddlers enjoy exploring items by using their senses, thus the dunking disinfectant bucket for mouthed toys in every class. In addition, toys are rotated for use to ensure the previous used toys are cleaned off before the next use with the use friendly products to sanitize and disinfect all surfaces throughout the day. Lastly, our Toddler Teachers have a strict closing procedure in which they deep clean the classroom at the end of every day.
At Rising Star Academy we are well aware that Early Preschoolers are at a vital stage of development. Their inquisitive personality will thrive with our hands on curriculum as they begin to develop parallel play and may dabble for moments in cooperative play. Two year olds will start making choices and demand independence, in which we are prepared to redirect, channel, and mold into a positive quality in which they will be able to use to hit those milestones.
It is imperative at this time in their development that they are getting positive attention and are in a classroom which has healthy and consistent boundaries. Our curriculum is developed with the understanding that no two children are the same. Through enhancements and processed artwork, children are able to expand their minds to new horizons. Early Preschoolers will engage in activities that will help stimulate their curiosity such as Scavenger Hunts, science activities that demonstrate the correlation between action and reaction, color matching, sorting, and much more!
At Rising Star Academy, we believe that communication is KEY. At this stage in your child's life, potty training is a huge independent skill your child will learn. Through mutual cooperation and communication, this skill will turn from a challenge to a positive experience. We have an accessible and useful way to communicate throughout the day with our KidReports App that you can download straight to your phone. KidReports will allow you to send messages and receive updates from your child's teacher with ease. In addition, for added security and visual representation, you will have access to WatchMeGrow, which is accessible via an app for your phone or straight from your PC.
Health and Safety
During these unprecedented times, cleanliness is a must. It is mandatory that all of our teachers wear masks, use gloves, and disinfect throughout the day. Toys are rotated for use to ensure the previous used toys are clean and disinfected before the next use with CDC approved products. Since potty training is actively being done all day, teachers are required to clean and disinfect the restrooms three times a day and change their pull ups/diapers at least every two hours.
At Rising Star Academy we focus on the learning development of each individual child. At the Preschool level, they are transitioning from an independent and ego stage to a more self aware and coherent stage, which is why we have developmental appropriate TEA approved curriculum.
The TEA has partnered up with Teaching Strategies in which allows us to follow the curriculum that will be needed for their ongoing academic education. Teachers will utilize activities to enhance the curriculum to increase the children’s executive functions, cognitive development,
social and emotional development, and their Language and Literacy development. Through the curriculum and enhancements, children will be able to recognize their numbers, letters, sounds, and work on writing sight words.
As in any age group, communication is important for the child’s educational growth, which is
why we have an app available that allows you to message the teacher directly. Via KidReports,
you are able to receive daily updates about your child’s day, incident reports, pictures/videos,
and any important center updates. In addition, you will have access to our cameras through
WatchMeGrow, which will give you a visual of the classroom.
Health and Safety
As COVID still impacts our lives, at Rising Star Academy, we undergo a series of sanitization
and disinfection procedures throughout the day with CDC approved cleaning products. In
addition, we have a cleaning crew that comes in three times a week after hours for an added
precaution. Each child and teacher is screened in the morning, and will be denied access if they
do not pass the screening process. For added measures, we are not allowing any unauthorized
personnel to enter, pick up and drop off are handled by staff in the front of the center, and the use
of masks and gloves are mandatory for all staff members.
As a child enters the next milestone in their life, Pre-K is a time when the majority of a child's basic concept understanding will be determined. At Rising Star Academy we take the time to build each developmental milestone in the children that attend our school. This is where we master our learning of the letter sounds, fine motor skills and start learning to read.
The TEA has partnered up with Teaching Strategies in which allows us to follow the curriculum that will be needed for their ongoing academic education. With our TEKS guided curriculum, our teachers ensure when they reach the critical age of four they are ready to retain and understand the concepts that will be taught and will be well prepared for Kindergarten. Children will be in an enriching environment where they are in control of their learning and each child has the opportunity to express themselves and discover and experience their learning in a uniquely individual way.
At Rising Star Academy, we want to be a home away from home, which makes communication
very important for us. We want to ensure that not only your child, but the family is comfortable
in knowing that their most prized possessions are being taken care of properly. In order for the
children to strive in their education, we believe that open and honest communication will aid in
making your child feel comfortable and be open to learn.
Due to COVID, we have been adapting to this "new norm” and because we are not allowing
parents to enter the building, due to health and safety reasons, we have phone appointments and
Zoom appointments available to speak with the teachers directly.
Health and Safety
As COVID still impacts our lives, at Rising Star Academy, we undergo a series of sanitization
and disinfection procedures throughout the day with CDC approved cleaning products. In
addition, we have a cleaning crew that comes in three times a week after hours for an added
precaution. Each child and teacher is screened in the morning, and will be denied access if they
do not pass the screening process. For added measures, we are not allowing any unauthorized
personnel to enter, pick up and drop off are handled by staff in the front of the center, and the use
of masks and gloves are mandatory for all staff members.